National Lawyers Guild (SF Bay Area Chapter) Champion of Justice
NAACP (Hayward-South Alameda County Chapter) Service Award
ACLU National Award: Nine Most Influential Actors in Title IX History
African-American Policy Forum Pauli Murray Trailblazer Award
BWOPA/TILE (Richmond-Contra Costa) Ella Hill Hutch Honoree
National Bar Association’s Heman Marion Sweatt Award
CAERP Arthur A. Fletcher Award of Achievement
S.F. Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, 2009 Living The Dream Award
Gamma Phi Delta Sorority Community Service Award-Excellence in Law
San Francisco Magazine Northern California Super Lawyer Top 50 List
CAERP Founders Award of Achievement
Flyaway Productions Ten Women Campaign Award
California Lawyer Attorney of the Year in Employment (CLAY Award)
Charles Houston Bar Association’s Clinton W. White Advocacy Award
Connecticut Women’s Education & Legal Fund Maria Miller Stewart Award
BALSA George Benjamin Daniels Award for Community Service
Woman of the Year for Assembly District 18