Service on the Alameda County Central Committee


In 2016, Pamela was elected to the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee in a landslide, winning the highest number of votes in Alameda County. She was re-elected to the Central Committee in 2020, again winning the highest number of votes across Alameda County. 

As a member of the Central Committee, Pamela has been an advocate for her community. From 2016-2020, she was the only Black woman on the Committee representing Assembly District 18, which includes most of Oakland and all of San Leandro and Alameda. In 2020, Pamela ran with a diverse slate of corporate-free community activists. Their successful efforts led to a major change in the leadership and composition of the Central Committee.

On the Central Committee, Pamela sponsored or co-sponsored resolutions to

  • bar Alameda County Democrats from accepting donations from law enforcement unions
  • provide PPE protection for Census workers at risk during COVID-19
  • Call for independent investigations of police misconduct including the use of deadly force toward unarmed civilians and sexual abuse of women
  • Remove police officers from school sites
  • Call upon Governor Newsom to exercise his emergency powers to stop the spread of COVID-19 in California prisons
  • Protect immigrant families and our community from unfair and inhumane deportations
  • Require the Committee Treasurer to disclose to Committee members the receipt of any contribution from a candidate from office in excess of $5000
  • Call for the arrest of all four officers involved in the murder of George Floyd
  • Oppose both the County and the City of Oakland's sale of the Coliseum land to right-wing Republican Billionaire John Fisher without a transparent process of competitive bidding and community involvement

Justice with Compassion in Alameda County

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